Prof. Baumgarth is a member of the following Editorial Boards:
- International Journal of Arts Management
- Journal of Product & Brand Management
- Management & Marketing
- MarketingZFP
- transfer -Werbeforschung & Praxis
Furthermore he is assessor for Journals such as Critical Perspectives on International Business, International Journal of Arts Management, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, International Marketing Review, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Marketing Review St. Gallen, MarketingZFP, Online Information Review, Zeitschrift für KMU, Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement.
Moreover he operates as assessor at conferences such as EMAC, Global Brand Conference and DERMARKENTAG.