Research Project: „Projektraum.Mehrwert.Kunst“ (Projectspace.ValueAdded.Art)
Building on our long-time research on collaboration between artists and companies, which we documented in a handbook published in 2016, the Berlin-based school of Art and Design started a three-year research project in 2018. The „Projektraum.Mehrwert.Kunst“ aims at training three cohorts of 20 artists each, to enable them to collaborate with companies. In the second step, specific collaborations with companies are initiated and accompanied throughout the project. Prof. Baumgarth supports the project as a lecturer and conducts accompanying research for the respective collaboration projects.
Research Project: Employer Branding in the Real Estate Economy
„War of Talents“ has become a common phrase in management, dramatising the challenges companies are facing in winning and holding matching employees in times of digitsation, globalisation, societal and demographic change. This challenge is especially virulent for companies in industries which are fighting image problems and are not immediately in the focus of graduates and Young Professionals. One of these industries is the is a heterogenous and rapidly growing Real Estate Industry. In collaboration with the European Real Estate Brand Institute as well as partners from the Real Estate Industry the research project aims at examining the status quo of Employer Branding from the supply and demand side in two empirical survey studies.
IFAF Research Project: New Brand Work (NeMa)
The research team wants to explore all the questions revolving around brand management in the digital age. In close cooperation with the board of experts “NeMa Board” stemming from the German abbreviation of “Neue Markenarbeit” (“NeMa”) meaning “New Brand Work” relevant topics have been compiled in the Brand Work Manifesto presented here. The NeMa Board is represented by practitioners from startups, agencies and consultancies. The Brand Work Manifesto paves the way for our future research. The goal is not only to identify and describe the status quo and existing problem areas but also to develop action recommendations and solutions. A possible Solution? An intensive and inspiring learning experience for practitioners: “ New Brand Work – Made in Berlin”.
IFAF Research Project „Arts push Business – Art-business-collaborations als engine for economy and art (KUK)
The research project is funded by the Institute for Applied Science Berlin and is being conducted in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (Prof. Dr. Berit Sandberg). It aims at reviewing the potentials and effects of art on companies as well as on analysing a sales market far away from the classic art market.
- Project Timeline
01.04.2013 – 31.03.2015
- Universities involved
Prof. Dr. Carsten Baumgarth (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Berit Sandberg (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin)
- Partners
Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Berlin e.V.
Inszenio – agency for scenic communication
Kunst in den Gerichtshöfen e.V. Wissenschaftspool
Prof. Dr. Steffen Höhne (Franz-Liszt Univeristy Weimar)
Noel Dennis (Associate Dean der Glasgow Caledonian University; Editor-in-Chief „Arts Marketing“)
Prof. Dr. Zannie Giraud Voss (Chair and Professor Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship, Meadows School of the Arts and Cox School of Business, Dallas/USA)
ESF Research Project „Brand Orientation in the Cultural Sector“
The Research Prodkect was scheduled for two years and analysed the concept of brand orientation using the example of cultural institutions in Berlin. We explored the following questions: Does brand orientation contribute to the success of a cultural institution? How strong is the brand orientation in one respective cultural institution? The goal was to give design recommendations to improve the brand orientation, in order to enable cultural institutions to purposefully apply the concept of brand orientated communication. The research project was funded by the European Social Fund and the Berlin Senate.
- Project Timeline
01.01.2012 – 31.12.2013
- Project Partners:
C/O Berlin
Deutsches Technikmuseum
Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum Berlin
Museum für Kommunikation
Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge
Wintergarten Varieté