Prof. Dr. Carsten Baumgarth presents his research on “AI, Brands & Art” in Vietnam

Prof. Dr. Carsten Baumgarth from the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) visited Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) at the end of October 2024 to share current research and ideas on artificial intelligence (AI), brand management, and arts. During his stay, he gave lectures and participated in various events to promote exchange with students and experts on site.

Prof. Baumgarth gave his first lecture at the Ho Chi Minh City Open University, a partner university of the HWR Berlin, on the topic of “Augmented Intelligence by AI – Elevating Brand Management and Brand Science to New Heights”, in which he highlighted the integration of AI into brand management and brand science. He also gave a keynote address at the third ArtTech Fusion Festival at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) entitled “Digital Brushstrokes: Unveiling the AI-Art Infusion Effect”, which dealt with the influence of the integration of AI-generated art in packaging, advertising, etc. on brand perception.

Prof. Baumgarth discussed brand and marketing concepts for a Vietnamese mattress brand at the UEH with students and enriched the ArtTech Fusion Festival as a panelist in a discussion round on sustainable art markets, in which he talked about the challenges and possible solutions for artists who do not (yet) belong to the 1% of top earners.