Talks “In good conscience – Brands & Business”

We cordially invite you to Berlin on 20.4.2023 from 18.00 – ca. 21.00 at the HWR Berlin. Prof. Oriol Iglesias and Prof. Nicholas Ind will present their latest book “In good conscience: do the right thing while building a profitable business” for the first time in Germany. Dr. Sebastian Stricker, Co-Founder of share and ShareTheMeal, will share his first-hand and deep experience on purpose brands and social business. Following my Instagram project “Brückenbau Marke”, I will report on five impulses from brand science on sustainability & co. Our president Prof. Andreas Zaby will open the event, which we are hosting together with ESADE Alumni and the Institute for Sustainability of the Berlin School of Economics and Law.

You can find the program & free registration here.

B*lab report No. 5: Sip Soho

The fifth B*lab report on “Craft beer brand “Sip Soho” – AI tools in operational brand management” has just been published in both German and English. In this working paper we present the test of 27 so-called ready-to-go AI solutions for the generation of brand assets of a fictitious start-up brand. The paper provides an up-to-date overview of such generative AI tools, summarizes recommendations for the use of these tools and formulates open questions for the important and necessary discussion in practice and science. You can find the English edition as a free download here.

B*report – No. 4

Research results should be available as quickly as possible. Our working paper series B*lab report, launched at the end of 2020, makes a contribution to this. The now 4th issue publishes the best papers of master students of the course “Advanced Brand Management” from the summer semester 2022. The spectrum ranges from slow fashion to brand coolness through violation of gender stereotypes to brand activism in the context of employer branding and co-creation. You can find the issue here.

Member of the main Effie jury

Prof. Baumgarth has been appointed to the main jury of the Effie Award for the first time. Together with around 30 experts from the agency and corporate world, the most outstanding campaigns in various categories will be determined in September 2022. The Effie is a global award that was first presented in the USA in 1968. In Germany, the Effie has been organized by the German Association of Advertising Agencies (GWA) since 1981. Compared to other awards in the communications industry, the Effie evaluates not only creativity, but much more strongly the results of communication. The awards will be presented at a ceremony in Leipzig on Nov. 9, 2022.

New book: Brand Tools I: Brand Canvas

A few years ago, I presented the first version of a brand canvas. This was used and further developed in many projects in practice and teaching. Since 2022 the B*canvas 2.0 is available. And now there is also a short and compact manual in printed and digital form with background information on the canvas method in general, structure and elements of the B*canvas in detail as well as application scenarios in practice and teaching.

2 years “Brückenbau Marke – Science to go”.

On 7/22/2020 the first post was posted on the Instagram science channel “Brückenbau Marke” (@prof.baumgarth). Since then, we have published (thanks especially to my two team members Cosima Kaibel and Liho Wichert round 200 episodes, gained 60+ testimonials as supporters, extended the channel in the print magazine Markenartikel, held many talks and webinars, talked about the idea and the channel in podcasts as well as gained 1400+ followers on Instagram and over 300,000 views on LinkedIn. Always with the goal of transferring brand science from the A- and B-journals into brand practice. Because the motto still applies:

“There is nothing better for brand practice than good brand science”.


When Fake Becomes Real: The Innovative Case of Artificial Influencers

The book chapter When Fake Becomes Real: The Innovative Case of Artificial Influencers by Carsten Baumgarth, Alexandra Kirkby and Cosima Kaibel has recently appeared in the publication Creativity and Marketing. Classic influencers are real, human, people. However, there is now a rise in fake, artificial influencers occupying the same online space with their own profiles, as marketing is important for influencers, so if they have a website, using companies like SEO Sydney can help them improve their ranking.

However if you are not satisfied with the performance, functionality, or conversion rate of your current ecommerce website it might be time to think about a redesign or rehaul of your online business, have a peek at these ecommerce website solutions here for more info! And when looking for a web3 design and blockchain development agency that provides 3D design, metaverse deployment and full stack web development services, you can visit a good place like Luther Tech for great help!

Our book chapter provides a definition of Computer-Generated Influencers (CGIIs) and provides a first detailed classification having analyzed the top 20 CGIIs from 2019. The chapter further provides case studies looking at some of the most successful brand collaborations across industries including the luxury, home and interior, service, people and fashion.

AI translated our most recent B*Lab Report

Artificial intelligence has the capability to translate not only short texts, but also entire papers. We put the AI translator “DeepL” to the test and translated our entire updated book chapter “Ende des KI Marken Winters” from German into English. The results showed DeepL to be surprisingly accurate with only 1.6 % of all words being corrected by a native speaker. Although not entirely fluent in all areas, words or sentences were only changed if, for example, the word selected by the AI was incorrect, or if a sentence was translated in such a way that the original meaning was lost or would be confusing to the reader. This was in order to show accurately and transparently the tools capabilities. You can download the issue here.

B*lab Reports: Second Edition

Last year we launched B*Lab Reports, a working paper series that presents the latest research that we undertake. In this issue, we publish the best papers of master students taking the “Advanced Brand Management” course at HWR Berlin. Issue 2 from the summer semester 2020 is now available online, covering the topics of brand coolness, Instagram influencer marketing, cost transparency and crisis communications strategies in the times of COVID19. You can download the second issue here.